Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Book: Jeffery Hatcher
Director: Ken Womble, Fight/Intamacy Director: Samantha Egle, Photography: Woody Myers, Lighting Design: Lauren Alyssa Skulley IV, Scenic Design: DJ Pike, Costume Design: Anne M. Toewe
Cast size: 12
Crew Size: 7
Wardrobe Size: 5
Calls: Lights, Audio, Entrences

Book and Music: Lynn Ahrens and Stephen Flaherty
Director: Sheryll McCallum, Choreographer: Kim Clay, Lighting Design: Thomas Woolner, Scenic Design: DJ Pike, Costume Design: Lauren Kinsley
Cast Size: 28
Crew Size: 11
Wardrobe Size: 9
Calls: Lights, Audio, Revolve, Entrences

Dance Concert: On City Life and Longing
Companies: Sokolow Theatre Dance/Ensamble, Moraporvida Contemporary Dance, VisKosity Dance Collective, UNCo School of Dance, CSU School of Dance
Choreographers: Samantha Geracht and Lauren Naslund, Jacob Mora, Keith Haynes, Monte Black and Kim Clay, Chung-Fu Chang
Director: Monte Black, Photographer: Woody Myers, Lighting Design: Dylan Scott, Edgar Tarango, Brian Hapcic
Dancers: 37
Stage Hands: 11

Book: Theresa Rebeck
Director: Ken Womble, Fight/Intamacy Director: Samantha Egle, Stage Manager: Stephanie Higgins, Photographer: Woody Myers, Lighting Design: Caden J. Lefler, Scenic Design: Mary Houston, Costume Design: Anne M. Toewe
Cast Size: 12
Crew Size: 10